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TO PRAY WELL & LOVE WELL View in Browser


Following Jesus well is hard. Serving God & people well, is hard. Teaching children rightly, is also hard work. LOVING GOD & OTHERS WELL IS HARD.

This week, we have New Arrivals that came in just in time as we strive to keep Praying, keep Loving, keep Serving & Building others up.

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We're also announcing a new section in store! Now SKS has a whole section where you can hunt for some really good Pre-Loved books that are still in great conditions too.

So drop by to browse through soon, they are going at a steal!

And if you are considering to donate some good books, let us know, we can help you to share the love!

Because Following Jesus Was Never Meant To Be Safe

Change Your Prayers. Change Your Life.

Do you ever wonder, "Why doesn't God answer my prayers?"
Do you wish you could see the evidence that prayer changes lives? Are you tired of playing it safe with your faith?

Prayer moves the heart of God - but some prayers move Him more than others. He wants more for us than a tepid faith and half-hearted routines at the dinner table. He's called you to a life of courage, not comfort.

This book will show you how to pray the prayers that search your soul, break your habits, and send you to pursue the calling God has for you. But be warned: if you're fine with settling for what's easy, or you're OK with staying on the sidelines, this book isn't for you. You'll be challenged. You'll be tested. You'll be moved to take a long, hard look at your heart.

But you'll be inspired, too.
You'll be inspired to pray boldly. To pray powerfully. To pray with fire. You'll see how you can trade ineffective prayers and lukewarm faith for raw, daring prayers that will push you to new levels of passion and fulfilment. You'll discover the secret to overcome fears of loss, rejection, failure, and the unknown and welcome the blessings God has for you on the other side.

SPECIAL OFFER - 20% OFF - $22.40 $28.00
Becoming More Than Just A Fan Of Jesus


With a frankness that many readers are not likely to hear in church or Sunday school class, Kyle offers an invitation to take an honest look at one’s relationship with Jesus. 

His call to follow may seem radical. It is more about repentance than forgiveness, more about surrender than salvation, more about brokenness than happiness, and more about death than about life. It’s not a comfortable and reassuring path. It’s certainly not about just being a fan of Jesus, sitting on the sidelines cheering for his cause. It’s about being a true follower where a person lives into their new identity in Christ.

Here is an invitation for you to take up your cross and follow Jesus on the path that leads to true joy and life.

$19.00 Before Member's Discount
Artificial Intelligence & The Future Of Humanity

" Alexa, how can we love God & our neighbour better? "


Are robots going to take my job? How are smartphones affecting my kids? Do I need to worry about privacy when I get online or ask Siri for directions?


We interact with artificial intelligence, or AI, nearly every moment of the day. From our social media feeds to our online carts to our smart thermostats, AI is everywhere.

In The Age of AI, Jason Thacker (Associate Research Fellow at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission) helps us navigate our digital age in this thoughtful exploration of the social, moral, and ethical challenges of our ongoing interactions with artificial intelligence.

$34.00 Before Member's Discount