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Greetings SKS Members and faithful followers! Here are what's hot and happening this week: Radical Leadership: In the New Testament and Today by Michael Green,
Tackling Mental Illness Together: A Biblical and Practical Approach by Alan Thomas, Jesus: The Path to Human Flourishing by I'Ching Thomas, Shandong: The Revival Province by Paul Hattaway, and more!

At the top of this list, here is an excerpt from Unbelievable?: Why After Ten Years of Talking With Atheists, I'm Still a Christian by Justin Brierley: "Conversations matter. Yet, recently, good conversations about faith have been increasingly squeezed out of the public sphere. Seeking to reopen the debate, Justin Brierley began to invite atheists and sceptics on to Premier Chrristian Radio to air arguments for and against the Christian faith."  Loving it so far? Just scroll down and read on!


Author : Justin Brierley

Category: Apologetics

Format: Softcover

Price: $19.00*
* Before Members Discount


Conversations matter. Yet, recently, good conversations about faith have been increasingly squeezed out of the public sphere.

Seeking to reopen the debate, Justin Brierley began to invite atheists and sceptics on to Premier Christian Radio to air arguments for and against the Christian faith.

But how has ten years of discussion with atheists affected the presenter's faith?

Reflecting on conversations with Richard Dawkins, Derren Brown and many more, Justin explains why he still finds Christianity the most compelling explanation for life, the universe and everything. And why, regardless of belief or background, we should all welcome the conversation.

Author : Michael Green

Category : Author Section (Selected)

Format : Softcover

Price: $19.00*
* Before Members Discount

Michael Green draws out the radical teaching of the New Testament, and explains why a recovery of that teaching is so vital if Christianity is to grow and thrive, and not just survive.

Author: Alan Thomas

Category : Christian Living

Format: Softcover

Price: $19.00*
* Before Members Discount


• How do we deal wisely, intelligently and compassionately with those who suffer from mental illness?
• Can we really make a difference if we aren't professionals?
• Is it possible to discern between bad behaviour due too illness and that caused by sin?

Discover how your church can become a safe, encouraging and healing place.

Author : I'Ching Thomas

Category: Missions

Format: Softcover

Price: $16.00*
* Before Members Discount


Though the Christian faith is believed to have reached the shores of China way back in the 8th century, it is still generally perceived as a foreign or Western religion to many Cultural Chinese.

How does this perception of Christianity as a foreign approach to spirituality advance or hinder our mission of making Cultural Chinese disciples of Christ? Has this negative reputation of the Christian faith changed today among Mainland Chinese? While the church in China has grown exponentially in the last few decades, the question still remains – can we find common ground between the Christian faith and the Chinese culture? What about Diaspora Chinese globally? Is it truly the case that Jesus and his teachings are alien to the Cultural Chinese mind?

This book seeks to present the Gospel in a way that seamlessly corresponds with Confucius's ideals for humanity but with a realistic solution. This means a Cultural Chinese can be a follower of Christ without having to shed his ethnic identity. In fact, by choosing the path of Jesus, the uniqueness of one's culture and ethnicity is affirmed, as the Lord of Heaven is the Creator of all. There will be no identity dilemma — one can be a Chinese and a Christian with honor.

Author : Paul Hattaway

Category : Missions

Format: Softcover

Price: $19.00*
* Before Members Discount


Many have heard of the extraordinary explosion of Christianity throughout China in recent decades. Few, however, know how it occurred. Paul Hattaway draws on thirty years' experience in China and numerous interviews with church leaders to provide inssights into how the living God brought about the largest revival in the history of Christianity.

In a narrative full of jaw-dropping stories, the China Chronicles document the acts of the Holy Spirit throughout China, where phenomenal growth has occurred in the furnace of intense persecution.

Hattaway starts his account with Shandong Province, which is home to almost one hundred million people. On multiple occasions, God has revived his Church in Shandong by pouring out his Spirit with great power and grace. As a result, Shandong today could be rightfully called 'China's Revival Province'.

Author : Paul David Tripp

Category: Sexuality

Format: Softcover

Price: $26.50*
* Before Members Discount


Sexuality is a fundamental part of what it means to be human—part of God's beautiful design when he created all things. And yet, sex in our world today looks nothing like the way that God intended it to be. Sexual brokenness surrounds us and, in one way or another, affects us all.

This sexual brokenness reveals our deep need for redemption—something quick fixes, mere behavior modification, or a set of rules can't provide. Honest and direct yet kind and caring, this book points us to the only place we can find help for sexual brokenness—the transforming grace of Jesus Christ. Only this grace offers hope for a life of freedom, purity, and joy as God intended.

Author : Jay Moon

Category : Discipleship

Format: Softcover

Price: $44.00*
* Before Members Discount


This addition to an acclaimed series brings cutting-edge research to bear on a topic of perennial interest: making disciples. While much has been written about disciple-making methods and materials in Western contexts, very little has been written to incorporate disciple-making methods from other cultures.

This book by an expert in oral learning looks at disciple-making from multiple cultures to help readers discover contextual approaches that are culturally relevant and biblically faithful. It emphasizes methods that are especially effective with contemporary converts and includes practical examples from around the world. Each chapter includes sidebars, discussion questions, an activity for discipling, and a case study. An appendix contains further suggestions and exercises for instructors.


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