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This week's newsletter features reviews on titles such as, Be The Mom by Tracey Lanter Eyster, as well as, Handbook On Thriving As An Adoptive Family by David Sanford / Renee Sanford.

These reviews, together with write-ups on other interesting titles such as, Called To Pray by Linda Evans Shepherd talks about most of us have felt it at one time or another: that unexplained prompting in our hearts to stop and pray for a friend, a loved one, or even stranger. Sometimes we are even awakended from a deep sleep with an even deeper need to go to God in prayer. Where do those urges come from? Are they truly from God? Or are they merely stray thoughts? And if we respond in prayer, are others' lives affected at all? Get a copy and find out why!


Title :

Called To Pray

Author :

Linda Evans Shepherd

Category : Prayers

Format : Softcover
Price: $20.50*
* Price Before Member's Discount



Most of us have felt it: that unexplained prompting in our hearts to stop and pray for a friend, a loved one, or even a stranger. Sometimes we dismiss the feeling as a stray thought about friends, families, or situations. Sometimes we are even awakened from a deep sleep with an even deeper need to go to God in prayer. Where do those urges come from? Are they truly from God? And do those prayers have any effect on the one we're praying for?

In Called to Pray, Linda Evans Shepherd shares dozens of inspiring true stories of people who have felt God's call to pray--and the astonishing results of those impromptu prayers. For those who wonder if prayer has any effect or doubt that God communicates with us personally, this heart-stirring book will amaze, inspire, and equip them to respond to those holy promptings.

Click Here to see more titles by Linda Evans Shepherd.


Title :

In Christ Alone

Author :

Matthew Evans / Stephen Clark

Category : Christology

Format : Softcover

Price: $29.50*
* Price Before Member's Discount


Union with Christ is the jewel in the crown of salvation. It has many and varied facets. Indeed, the reality denoted by the words 'in Christ' is unfathomable. But the importance of this great truth is such that Christians need to seek to plumb its unsearchable depths. The present volume seeks to show how union with Christ is expounded by two New Testament writers, how it was understood by two great theologians, and how it relates to two key areas of biblical teaching, before a final chapter plots the scriptural development and structure of this great truth and its practical relevance for us today. Contributors include: Stephen Clark, Cornelis Bennema,Tim Ward, Robert Letham, John Fesko, David McKay and Paul Wells.


Title :

God Generals #2 - Roaring Reformers

Author : Roberts Liardon

Category : Biography

Format : Softcover
Price: $22.00*
* Price Before Member's Discount


The basic truths of the Protestant faith--the things you believe and base your life on--were not always accepted and readily taught. Roberts Liardon introduces you to six of God's Generals who fought to reestablish the core beliefs and principles of the early church in the atmosphere of oppression, ignorance, and corruption that pervaded the medieval church. As you read about these roaring Reformers, men who sacrificed everything in their fight for God, you will appreciate the freedom you have to worship, find encouragement for your spiritual battles, and be motivated to find biblical truth in your own life.


Title :

Underground Church

Author :

Eugene Bach / Brother Zhu

Category : Church Ministry

Format : Softcover

Price: $26.50*
* Price Before Member's Discount


"As you read The Underground Church, you will be amazed at so many wonderful acts that God is doing in the Chinese church today. The Back to Jerusalem vision is not merely a call to the Chinese church; Western believers of this age should also share a part in it."
Brother Yun, the "Heavenly Man"

The Chinese house church is one of the most misunderstood and controversial subjects in Christian world missions today. Many questions about it abound, such as...

How did it start?
How does it work?
How is it led?
Why does it continue to experience revival?
Is it necessary, now that China has extended religious freedoms?

Much of the confusion is caused by the Chinese government, which deceives journalists and foreign missionaries with promises of religious freedom that are never kept. 

The truth is, the house churches of China are growing at a phenomenal rate. Never in the history of the world have so many people in such a short time left one belief system for another without a hostile revolution. Lives in China are being transformed daily by the gospel of Jesus Christ and the display of His miraculous power.

The Underground Church demystifies the Chinese house church movement, with real–life examples and personal testimonies from Chinese Christians. The movement's unique characteristics, both good and bad, are addressed; as well as how they have led to the church's astonishing growth.

Be amazed at what God is doing in China!


Title :

Handbook On The Thriving As An Adoptive Family

Author : David Sanford / Renee Sanford

Category : Family

Format : Softcover
Price: $22.00*
* Price Before Member's Discount


Adoption is a high calling from God, and the Christian home primary soil for planting seeds of faith. But how will post-adoption challenges affect this growth? Most agencies do a great job of connecting families with children who need a forever family. Not many prepare you for the unexpected issues―an adopted child fighting with his new siblings or not wanting to be touched or showing signs of reactive attachment disorder (RAD).

The more you know, the more confident you will be to meet the unique needs of your adopted child and your entire family. This distinctly Christian book will equip readers to be successful adoptive parents. Packed from cover to cover with information, advice, ideas, and resources, Handbook on Thriving as an Adoptive Family will inspire and inform parents committed to making adoption work. Handbook on Thriving as an Adoptive Family is the one parenting resource that provides comprehensive, topical, Bible-based solutions for the inevitable challenges after adoption.


Title : Be The Mom


Author : Tracey Lanter Eyster

Category : Parenting

Format : Softcover

Price: $19.00*
* Price Before Member's Discount


The role of mom is often described as the most important job in the world. Rightly so, for so much is at stake during children’s early years and moms are central in shaping character and personhood. However, when the going gets tough (the endless diapers, the continual messes, the endless conflict resolution, the complete lack of personal time, etc.), moms are often tempted to quit their “mom‐job”. While few would endorse an outright abandonment of motherhood, others may recommend that a woman treat her role as secondary to personal desires in order to combat feelings of discouragement and/or unfulfillment.

The enemy has laid intentional traps cleverly designed to discourage and redirect a woman towards self rather than family. Moms need to know how to recognize these traps . . . and avoid them. Be the Mom: Overcome Attitude Traps and Enjoy Your Kids explores and validates the life of a mom who makes her family a priority and introduces the reader to seven Mom Traps that may be preventing them from a full, joy‐filled life.


Title :

I'm Pregnant... Now What?

Author : Ruth Graham / Sara Dormon

Category : Family

Format : Softcover
Price: $21.50*
* Price Before Member's Discount


We have been where you are. Our book comes out of experience. This book has been written by people who know what you are confronting. If you are reading this, you are full of questions for which you have few if any, answers. People may be giving you answers, but they do not really know your questions and do not seem to be listening to you. You are under a great amount of stress and pressure. You may be alone in your dilemma with no support from those who made you promises. You feel rejected and betrayed. You are hurt and angry. We understand those feelings. It is our desire to address your needs factually and to encourage you. We will examine the issues involved from all sides and give you the best information available so you can make a decision with which you can live.

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